Classification and Description of Desiccated Coconut for Commercial Purposes

According the APCC Quality Standard the classification and description of Desiccated Coconut is as follows [¹]

Description of Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut is prepared from white meat obtained from the whole coconut and should be in a natural white to light cream white in colour. The taste is sweet with a natural taste of coconut with a sweet and pleasant odour.

Classification of Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated coconut is classified for the purposes of commercialization into three types according to the granulometry of the product as follows:
(a) Extra-fine desiccated coconut – This is grated desiccated coconut of which not less than 90% of the weight shall pass easily through a sieve with square apertures of 0.85 mm, but of which maximum 25% of the weight passes through a sieve of 0.50 mm aperture size.

(b) Fine desiccated coconut – This is grated desiccated coconut of which not less than 80% of the weight shall pass easily through a sieve of square aperture size of 1.40 mm, but of which maximum 20% of the weight passes through a sieve of 0.71 mm square aperture size.

(c) Medium desiccated coconut – This is grated desiccated coconut of which not less than 90% of the weight shall pass easily through a sieve of square aperture size of 2.80 mm, but of which maximum 20% of the weight passes through a sieve of 1.40 mm square aperture size.

Unclassified grated desiccated coconut covers all “fancy cuts” or special cuts (i.e. tender or thin flakes, long and thin chips, extra fancy shreds, long shreds, standard shreds, etc.).